Monday, October 14, 2013

Poem #2

Run, child, run!
With freedom nipping at your heels
like a mongrel dog.
Joy coating you like dust from the gravel road,
left with imprints from your little feet.

Dance, girl, dance!
With intensity twining around your arms
like fingers of smoke.
Uncertainty dangles like jewelry from your mom's bureau,
left with imprints from your young hands.

Love, woman, love!
With anticipation pulling at your mouth
as if by magnets.
Passion stripping you clean to the bone, your body
left with imprints from a man's lips.

Birth, momma, birth!
With strength emanating from your womb
the inner super nova.
Dedication cloaking your soul,
left with imprints from her little feet.

-S. Clark 10/05/13

Liquid Breath

liquid breath of the Pacific Northwest
paused, for a moment
falling drops, drizzle, downpour
begins again, drenching
autumn leaves
glistening ruby, russet, rust
drift down, dressing
forest floor
softening land, loam, loess
sit silent, absorbing
liquid breath

Mother Effing Chihuahuas

There are a couple of Mother Effing Chihuahuas that live down the street from me.   I need to pause here for a moment to clarify that I don...