Materials contained on this site are made available solely for
educational purposes and as part of an effort to raise general awareness
of psychology, personal growth, education, child development and parenting. These materials are not intended to be and are not a substitute
for direct professional medical or psychological care based on your
individual condition and circumstances. While this site may contain
descriptions of pharmacological, psychiatric and psychological
treatments, parenting strategies and/or personal growth techniques, such descriptions and any related materials should not be
used to diagnose or treat a mental health problem without consulting a
qualified mental health care provider. You are advised to consult your
mental health provider about your personal questions or concerns.
Additionally, I may use examples from my clinical experiences. However, in accordance with the Ethical Principles of Psychologists, I will not disclose identifying information or any information that could reasonably lead to identification of any individual. Any examples of specific individuals are fictional compilations.
Further information on the Ethical Principles of Psychologists can be found at American Psychological Association.