Friday, September 11, 2015

52 Week Creativity Challenge, Week 36- Free

As I dropped my daughter off at school on the morning of September 11, I noticed that her elementary school was flying the flags at half-mast.  I snapped a picture with my phone because it was a touching commemoration.   As I drove away from the school, I decided to take some time out of my schedule and photograph other flags in my community, to honor the survivors and victims of 9/11 and the wars that came in the aftermath.  

Elementary School Flags
taken on a Motorala XT897, edited in Google Chrome
by S. Clark

Train Station
taken on a Fujifilm finxepix HS 35 EXR, edited in Google Chrome
by S. Clark

City Halltaken on a Fujifilm finxepix HS 35 EXR, edited in Google Chrome
by S. Clark
Hall of Justicetaken on a Fujifilm finxepix HS 35 EXR, edited in Google Chrome
by S. Clark

Mother Effing Chihuahuas

There are a couple of Mother Effing Chihuahuas that live down the street from me.   I need to pause here for a moment to clarify that I don...