Tuesday, January 13, 2015

52 Week Creativity Challenge Week 2- "Old Hat"

Stack of Books-taken on a Motorola Galaxy phone, edited in Google Chrome

I have spent much of my life with my nose in a book.  I read while eating breakfast, while brushing my teeth, while taking a bath, on flights, while waiting in various places.  I read books, magazines, online articles, blogs and eBooks.  I always have a stack of reading material by my bed, on the kitchen table and of course, stuffed in book shelves.  Reading is a comfortable place for me, so much so that it could be seen as "old hat." This phrase, according to Google, came into use in the early 20th century to mean something that is familiar or well worn. It can also mean repeated too often or trite. However, the beauty that is reading, is that it never truly is the "old hat" of either definition.  The activity is familiar but the content is always new.  The act of picking up a book or magazine is comforting but the material may be challenging. Reading is the gift that keeps on giving.  It provides a daily opportunity to grow, to travel, to investigate, to learn, without ever leaving my home. Because of that, the activity might be well worn and familiar but it will never be trite!    


  1. Replies
    1. It is very true and very wonderful! Thanks for reading!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and I have very much enjoyed the creativity challenges!


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