Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ju-ju Bee: The Cat That Ignored Me

I had to get a selfie to prove she
was paying attention to me!
I have a cat named Ju-ju Bee.  She is rather elusive to tell you the truth.  I have fewer pictures of her than all my other animals, including the chinchilla, who is nocturnal!  

Despite having been born in my closet, she has spent most of her 4 years of life ignoring me and all the other human members of our family.

She also mostly ignores her brother, Blizzy Boy.  

Ju-ju loves our St. Bernard the best.  She spends lots of time grooming Kona's face and rubbing her face all over Kona's face. She also occasionally naps with Kona. 

But people, nada.  Nothing. Zero. Zilch.  
Ju-Ju's bff Kona

She really could care less.

Well, unless she is out of food. When she is out of food she meows and looks at me pointedly.  

Otherwise, I and the rest of the family are non-entities.  

Until a few months ago when she started visiting me when I was eating breakfast.  She would sit on the table so I could pet her with one hand while I ate with the other.

Luckily, I am sort of ambidextrous. I can wield a spoon with my right hand while petting a cat with my left.   

So far I haven't attempted to eat the cat or pet my oatmeal.  

I see papers, I must sits!
A couple nights ago I was working on a project at the kitchen table and she did the typical cat thing-  she sat on my papers.  

This has literally never happened before.  

And she was purring and head-butting me. I've only heard her purr a few times.  Her brother is a constant purr machine.  He purrs so intensely that he drools.    

I seriously don't get it.  

If she was a person with such a drastic personality change I'd suspect drug use or a head injury.  

She's a cat though, and I am pretty sure I don't have some secret stash of cat nip in the house.  

So far she continues to ignore the rest of the family, human or canine.  

She graces me with her presence at breakfast and then spends the rest of the day doing important cat things.  

I'm curious to see if she progresses to sitting on my lap, or let's not get hysterical, sit by me on the couch.  

She is really the cattiest of cats I have ever known!  

Never a dull moment around here.  Just when I think I have stuff figured out, the Universe is like "Nope!  Just for funsies, Ju-ju is now going to pay attention to you! Hahahaha!!"  

I'll just consider it a gift from the Universe and be grateful there is never a boring moment around here!  

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