Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hyperemesis Awareness Day 2013

I wrote this while pregnant and suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It was written August 29, 2006

I have met the devil...

and his name is Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). If it is not truely the devil himself, then it is a least one of the devil's spawn. What is this hideous monster you ask? Well, I am here to tell you! Here is an "official" definition:HG is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the newborn(s).

However, this really does not seem to do it justice. A survior's definition is as follows:

Although approximately 80 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum, the evil sister of morning sickness, strikes only one percent of all pregnancies. It is a rare and dangerous complication characterized by relentless vomiting (usually upwards of ten times daily) and severe, constant nausea. If not treated effectively, dehydration and malnutrition can threaten the well-being of both mother and unborn baby.

This seems more like it but still the words don't really do it justice. I don't have a concise definition of this pregnancy complication, I am too busy coping to codify. Nonetheless, I still have some things I'd like to say about it. It is like have the flu with motion sickness with some elements of a migraine. I call it mutant morning sickness. This disease doesn't just harm my ability to eat and drink, it wreaks havok on all my bodily systems. Not only that, the ways in which is screws with my ability to eat and drink don't follow a pattern or seem to have any rules. My symptoms/bodily experiences:
-Cannot drink water at all
-Cannot shower or bathe without getting sick
-Severe motion sickness (I can't even walk to the bathroom without getting sick)
-Hypersensivity to light and sounds (I had to change the ring on my cell phone because the sound of it made me want to vomit)
-Dehydration (although I am doing better with this since I discovered Vitamin Water, a health-type drink and popcicles)
-Frequent nausea
-Frequent vomiting (I went 19 days without vomitting, then I relapsed last week and seem to be getting worse again the last couple of days)
-Occasionally, I blow out blood vessels around my eyes because of the force of the vomitting
-I also occasionally loose control of my bladder while vomitting, which is not all that uncommon among women with this disease, much to my relief.
-Random food cravings and food aversions. For a while, all I could eat was chicken and rice soup, not the thought of chicken and rice soup makes me sick. I used to eat healthy but now the only things I can stomach are high statch and high grease.

I have never felt more physically miserable in my life. The sad thing is that I am not as sick as many other women with this illness. It could be worse! There are at least some foods I can eat, unlike some women who have no choice but to get food through IV's. Being bed ridden, no matter what the reason is completely demoralizing, so I have to contend with my depression, as well. Although, emotionally, I have felt worse and I am trying really hard not have this labeled the most emotionally miserable time of my life. My "bad" days consist of crying and vomitting. My "good" days consist of crying, reading and surfing the internet. My "excellent" days I am able to check in with a client or do some paperwork (which seems to be ever present, even when I am not seeing clients). Aside from being stuck at home, I am sad that I am not able to enjoy being pregnant. I know that even "normal" pregnancies are uncomfortable but "normal" pregnant women haven't had the joy stolen from them. My pregnancy makes me sick and if I weren't on medication, it could make me deathly ill. That doesn't create a lot of warm fuzzy feelings. Some women with HG get angry at their unborn child, I am not, I am angry at my body. For some reason, my body reacts to pregnancy similar to how it would react to being poisoned. So, I pretty much feel that I am getting ripped off. I am also getting ripped off because I will not have any other children than this one I am carrying. I may adopt but the option to have additional biological children has been taken from me because being pregnant is basically dangerous for me. The conventional wisdom is that every pregnancy is different, so I should be safe to try again. That is not true. The odds of me having a pregnancy just like this one, if not worse is 70%. And that my friends, is not gambling odds as far as I am concerned. Some women choose to get pregnant knowing that they will have HG and decide it is worth it. I am not going to do this again. I realize that my child isn't born yet and actually having my child will change the way in which I view my suffering. Even so, I am not going to do this again. We have one shot and it better go well because I will not be pregnant again. All my eggs are in this basket and we are out of luck if we drop the basket. If Hugh and I want more children we will either adopt or find a surrogate for the pregnancy. Finding peace of mind is very difficult right now and knowing I am only going to do this once brings me a sliver of peace. For now, I focus on one day at a time and try to quell my anxiety about no income. A lot women improve in their 2nd trimester to the point of being able to have a "normal" life again. I am hoping and praying that is the case for me. The sooner the devil stops dancing in my innards, the better!

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