Saturday, July 12, 2014

Reason Number 568 Why You Should Not Have Animals

QT Pi aka, Cow Pie
Week before last, mere moments before we were going to step out of the door and head off into the day, I heard the words no busy parent wants to hear.  "Mom, it smells like poop in here."  This was followed by "And it is not QT poop smell."  QT Pi (pronounced, "Cutie Pie") is the pregnant stray cat

that we had recently adopted.  She smelled so bad that I nicknamed her Cow Pie.  We were all very familiar with her stench.  

If it wasn't QT, then that left two possible culprits, our other cat Shzung Lee or our St. Bernard, Kona Bear.  Shzung Lee is a mostly outdoor cat and pooping the the house is not her M.O.  She prefers to vomit partially digested cat food and on one occasion, a mouse.  She wasn't in the house at the moment and hadn't been since the previous evening.  The list of suspects narrowed down to Kona Bear.

Closer investigation revealed that as Kona galloped in delight up the stairs and around the living room, she left a trail of poop paw prints.  Awesome.  I have to get my kid to daycare, so I can go to work and I have poop all over the living room.  I try to leave some wiggle room in our morning routine to accommodate for snags.  I didn't have enough wiggle room to deal with poop paw prints.  I dragged the dog outside and sprayed off her foot.  She again galloped in delight up the stairs and around the living room, but this time her foot was only soggy.  Everything is cause for celebration when you are a St. Bernard.  I sprayed each spot with carpet cleaner, called it good and left.
Shzung Lee
 After I sent a text to my husband about the mess, he kindly volunteered to wash the dog and shampoo the carpet. Our friend, (who keeps an orderly house with three boys), upon hearing of the most recent disaster, said "Well, reason number 565 to not have a pet."

Kona Bear Naughty-Pants
A couple days ago I found a few granola bar wrappers and a puddle of vomit.  Kona Bear strikes again. Reason number 566.  Two nights ago, there was an empty bag of what might have been trail mix.  Kona Bear, of course.  Reason number 567.  Today I found a bag of apple chips by her bed.  Apple chips that, by the way, were in a closed drawer last I knew.  Reason number 568. 

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