Sunday, July 17, 2016

Faith Renewed. Hope Reinstated.

Sunny Clark
Given all the things that have happened, especially in the last couple of years, I am having a hard time hanging onto the idea that being a decent person gets you any where....

So said I in a Facebook post in July 2012.  Facebook added this nifty "On This Day" thingy and it shows you all your posts on that day in previous years.

I made the above post a year after learning that my ex-husband did NOT take my name off the mortgage 6 years after our divorce and he stopped paying said mortgage driving my credit into the ground.

Thus rendering my current husband and I unable to buy a house and move out of the trailer park.

Nothing against trailers or trailer parks.  I really liked my trailer, we just wanted more elbow room and didn't want to hear our neighbor's phone ringing.  

We figured out a work around, which you can read about in detail here.  The short version is that we got a legal separation two months after the above Facebook post.  

We got our house 5 months and 17 days later.  

View from the deck of our house!

 Faith renewed.  Hope reinstated.  

It is a handy reminder, because right now I am tired and run down.  Treatment for Lyme doesn't have a specific timeline.  I like timelines, I am good at meeting goals.  I am not so good at taking it one day at a time. 

Photo taken by our daughter at the courthouse
on the day we filed to legally end our separation.

The two years or so it took from learning that my name was still on the mortgage to moving in to our new home was agony. Mostly because I was learning to take it one day at a time and have hope that everything would be work out.  

The Facebook memory reminded me that life obstacles that have no definite end, do actually end and everything does turn out okay, even if it is not how you originally planned.  

Faith renewed. Hope reinstated.  

Sometimes you just have to wait for it.  

Sunny Clark
We made it to the courthouse today! By Tuesday or Wednesday next week we should be legally reconciled! 

1 comment:

Mother Effing Chihuahuas

There are a couple of Mother Effing Chihuahuas that live down the street from me.   I need to pause here for a moment to clarify that I don...